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Founded in 1945, FGM Architects (FGMA) is an award-winning architecture enterprise with eight offices in five states (Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin with an international partner in Saudi Arabia). We are a team of 200+ architects, designers and professionals managing a national portfolio of projects. We are strong pillars in our industry and recognized internationally as thought leaders. 

FGMA is a leading provider of design services to Department of Defense, State and Municipal Governments in the U.S. Our focus includes response to extraordinary emergency disasters associated with natural and human-caused events, technological incidents and potential threats of chemical, biologic, radiologic, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) events. We are recognized by FEMA for our “Hot Zone” decontamination designs and our focus on cancer prevention of First Responder’s health, safety & well-being.

FGM Architects is recognized in the U.S. and internationally as a leader in disaster preparedness services and has over $1.5 billion of construction currently in design or construction.

FGMA has Nine Practice Areas


Founded in 1990, Tanajib was established in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia as an oilfield service company offering upstream solutions. As the company grew, Tanajib launched the Maintenance Solutions and Process Optimizations divisions to cater to the many downstream manufacturing companies in the region. Tanajib helps leading companies in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to improve their performance, safety, and efficiency through smart industrial and drilling solutions. All of this is made possible through Tanajib’s dedication to local engineers, long-term partnerships, innovation, and quality.


Tanajib’s vision is focused on providing their customers with quality services and products and to grow the industrial and manufacturing sectors in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.


FGMA and Tanajib Holding Company in Saudi Arabia

The Partnership between FGMA & Tanajib is driven by our passion and concern for creating a new image of safe & resilient communities throughout the Kingdom. We will add immediate value to current and future projects by introducing new designs and technologies to all projects as we align with the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision. Throughout decades of growth, change and expansion, FGMA remains today as it began, committed to our core purpose.

FGMA and Tanajib Holding Partnership will align with Saudi Arabia vision 2030 and The National Transformation Program to assist in the area of safety and security of its people and infrastructure. The Kingdom has made significant advancements in raising the standards and quality of life for its citizens, modernizing its national infrastructure and technology platforms, expanding and strengthening its economy, and improving its production and manufacturing industries over the past years. Therefore, in order to protect these accomplishments across the Kingdom, it is imperative to provide both new state-of the-art emergency preparedness facilities and improve existing emergency response facilities to achieve high standard of safety in the event of an emergency.


  • The safety and security of all people are the most valuable elements of community life in the Kingdom.

  • A comprehensive network of emergency preparedness & responsiveness in our goal.

  • Integrated communication systems will ensure effective Command and Control Operations.

  • A safe and secure community incorporates all dimensions necessary for protecting all people.

  • Advanced emergency response centers for medical and evacuation scenarios.

  • A well-trained first-responder, professional workforce prepared to deliver rapid solutions for the health and safety of the public.

  • Employing advanced technologies in the assessment of and response to disaster events.

Fulfilling the 2030 Vision:

Kingdom-wide Preparedness – “The World is in a Safe Land”

Establishing new Emergency Response Centers (ERC) will provide a new level of confidence in the Kingdom’s ability to provide a safe and secure environment for our citizens, new businesses and international investors.

We are proposing a comprehensive solution for on-shore and off-shore emergency disaster preparedness and responsiveness in the Kingdom:


  • Prevention & Preparedness for CBRNE Events 

  • Strategically located modern Emergency Disaster Response Centers

  • Nationwide Emergency Fire & Rescue Responsiveness

  • Upgrading all existing fire department & rescue facilities across the country

  • Land, Sea & Air Intervention Models

  • It is imperative to establish Emergency Preparedness Goals to meet the expectations of the 2030 Vision. 

Preparedness For CBRNE Incidents: A natural or manmade disaster can cause major negative impacts on an entire community in an instant. If Responders are not equipped to respond effectively, we lose the community’s trust. 

Risks include natural hazards such as severe storms, epidemics, accidental hazards such as transportation failures, oil, chemical spills, chemical, biological, radiologic, nuclear or explosive events (CBRNE) and man-made threats such as acts of terrorism and technological attacks.   

Various facilities continue to fall short in disaster planning and preparedness. 

Lack of preparation creates the potential for serious ramifications, putting citizens and the security of the infrastructure at risk.


Full-scale disaster response centers and training facilities at this location (Virginia, USA) can be scaled and adapted to different locations to suit the complete range of land, sea, air rescue and recovery services throughout the Kingdom.

FGM Architects U.S. Projects & Offices

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