Municipal design—whether your project is a new village/city hall, a public works facility or a police or fire station—is unique in its power to define a community. FGMA believes municipal architecture should command a presence and project a compelling image in your community. We understand that working with local government involves balancing the interests of elected officials with the needs of municipal staff and the demands of a community that may question the need to spend tax dollars on a capital project. However, a municipal structure can not only reduce operational costs through functional efficiencies, it can also anchor a community, provide a unique gathering space and help attract the best and the brightest talent. FGMA helps our clients communicate to all stakeholders the long-term benefits of a well-executed civic capital project.
FGMAs views all building projects from this strategic lens, to evaluate where our clients are today and to ultimately take a municipality’s operation to the next level of excellence.
The senior leaders of our practice bring more than two decades of civic project expertise. Our designs dot Illinois’ landscape and include some of the most striking, functional and user-friendly municipal buildings in the country.
Our municipal project team is comprised of skilled communicators that can facilitate focus groups and distill complex concepts into laymen’s terms. An important component of what we do is help municipalities plan and budget for future facilities. All studies are meticulously prepared by senior staff who literally spend days observing your current operation in order to determine efficiencies.
We believe that project success requires strong partnerships. At the heart of our team is the client and their community, who become integral partners and participants in FGMA's collaborative process. We have assembled an impressive team of civic designers and engineers, including specialty consultants in technology, security and acoustics that have worked together for decades and contribute their unique skill set to a well functioning facility. The third contributor to our partnership is the construction professional. FGMA assists our clients in selecting strong team players, understanding the various construction methods and utilizing important pre-construction services. At FGMA, we value each partner’s role and engage them to their highest and best use.